My name is Theresa Black, and my life is a daily struggle.

Have you ever had the feeling that you’re spending your life like a fish in an aquarium? Everyday I wake up, rush to the office, spend my time like a brainless zombified worker, and crawl home. It seems that no matter what I do, I exist solely to eke out a meager living and live from one day to the other, barely a step over my monthly bills. Sure, there’s the occasional movie or night out. But 28 days out of a month, I feel like an automaton, working ceaselessly in order to survive.

Sometimes I wonder if those images of billionaires living the high life are really true, or if the system itself is not fair. Why should a few people have the GDP of entire nations, while millions live in poverty? Why do the ultra rich concern themselves with their upcoming smartlipo Orlando operations, while people like me are simply concerned with paying off the next monthly bill that never ceases to stop?

As you might have guessed, I’m a very jaded and cynical person, borne from years of grinding away at work. As such, my pet peeves are:

-   People like Paris Hilton

-   Wildly impractical things like outrageously priced handbags, supercars and diamond-studded phones

-   Paparazzi, because they’re the ones who make the ultra rich look cool

-   Social events where ladies wear gowns and men wear black ties and talk about how successful they are or what Caribbean island they’ll be spending the summer at.


The Daily Struggles of Therese